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The White House on Wednesday requested that every state surrender a laundry list of voter data, including partial social security numbers, using an insecure email.

President Donald Trump at the US Coast Guard Academy amid calls for his impeachment and potential investigations into obstruction of justice on May 17, 2017 (Photo by. Anche Bethesda ha detto la sua all’E3 2017 con un evento dedicato in quel di Los Angeles che si è svolto nella mattinata italiana. Filo conduttore il parco. Hotwapi.Com is a mobile toplist for mobile web sites. We have over 2000 registered sites.

All the Crazy Shit We Learned About the Trump Regime While You Were Asleep. Does it feel like every time you wake up there are a dozen new scandals involving the Trump regime? Well, last night was no different.

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Here’s a breakdown of all the crazy shit that happened last night and early this morning. The Trump regime had at least 1. Russians that went undisclosed. According to a new report this morning from Reuters, there were at least 1. Trump’s team and Russian officials in the seven months leading up to Election Day on November 8, 2. The various contacts consisted of both emails and phone calls. El Debarge Midi Files more. Former national security advisor Michael Flynn was one of the people who made contact with Russian officials, and previous reports have indicated that Jared Kushner hid his own contacts with the Russians from the FBI, but the new report strongly suggests that there may have been other Trump campaign figures involved.

Russia’s ambassador to the US, Sergey Kislyak, was one of the Russian officials that the Trump team was regularly communicating with. Kislyak was in the Oval Office last week, though the White House didn’t publicize this fact. From Reuters: Six of the previously undisclosed contacts described to Reuters were phone calls between Kislyak and Trump advisers, including Flynn, Trump’s first national security adviser, three current and former officials said. Conversations between Flynn and Kislyak accelerated after the Nov. Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin that could bypass the U.

S. The White House and advisers to the campaign have since confirmed four meetings between Kislyak and Trump advisers during that time. The Reuters report stresses that there’s no concrete evidence of collusion between the Trump regime and the Russians, but this still doesn’t look good for them. Mueller will also be presumably looking at any possibility of charges against Trump for obstruction of justice for firing Sally Yates, Preet Bharara, and James Comey. President Trump didn’t learn about Mueller’s appointment until just 3.

And in the New York Times minute- by- minute account of how Trump learned about it, Jared Kushner was the lone voice inside the Oval Office urging Trump to go on the offensive: Most of those gathered recommended that the president adopt a conciliatory stance, and release a statement accepting Mr. Rosenstein’s decision and embracing a swift investigation that would clear the cloud of suspicion hovering over the West Wing. Mr. Kushner — who had urged Mr. Trump to fire James B.

Comey, the F. B. I. After a brief discussion, however, calmer heads prevailed, and Mr. Trump’s staff huddled over a computer just outside the Oval Office to draft the statement that was ultimately released, asserting the president’s innocence and determination to move on.

By the end of the process, Mr. Trump was calm, grimly determined to soldier on and uncharacteristically noncombative, according to people close to the president. Trump has been unusually quiet on social media in the past 2. We’ll see if this “uncharacteristically noncombative” keeps up, or whether the real Trump comes shining through on Twitter. It seems like only a matter of time before the latter. Update, 7: 5. 2am: It looks like Trump started tweeting this morning just as I was hitting publish on this post.

This directly contradicts everything that the Trump White House has said about how they learned about Flynn’s possible acts of treason. From the New York Times: Mr. Flynn’s disclosure, on Jan. Donald F. Mc. Gahn II, who is now the White House counsel. That conversation, and another one two days later between Mr. Flynn’s lawyer and transition lawyers, shows that the Trump team knew about the investigation of Mr. Flynn far earlier than has been previously reported.

Perhaps the most damning aspect of this report is that it has the potential to implicate Vice President Mike Pence as having knowledge of Flynn’s actions. And they’ve become more vocal about their concern. As they tweet and like and upvote their way through social media, Americans generate a vast trove of data on what they think and how they respond to ideas and arguments–literally thousands of expressions of belief every second on Twitter, Facebook, Reddit and Google. All of those digitized convictions are collected and stored, and much of that data is available commercially to anyone with sufficient computing power to take advantage of it. It’s a fascinating report that really needs to be read in full. The investigation goes well beyond Flynn, Manafort and a possible American connection, to include how Russian intelligence services carried out the campaign of fake news and leaking hacked emails that intelligence officials say was meant to hurt Hillary Clinton and benefit Donald Trump.

In retrospect, if Trump thought that firing FBI Director James Comey would make this whole thing go away, he was sadly mistaken. Ryan (R- Wis.) immediately interjected, stopping the conversation from further exploring Mc. Carthy’s assertion, and swore the Republicans present to secrecy. At first, Mc. Carthy denied that such a conversation ever took place.

But then the Washington Post told them it had audio recordings of the conversation. Mc. Carthy then backtracked and said he was just joking. Thanks to the ubiquity of recording devices and the duplicitousness of members of the GOP, we now. Titled, “Conservatives begin to whisper: President Pence,” the piece argues that Republicans are pinning their hope on a Pence presidency. Erick Erickson, a conservative pundit who was a strong Never Trumper but then pledged to give the president a chance, wrote on Wednesday that Republicans should abandon the president because they “have no need for him with Mike Pence in the wings.”And conservative New York Times op- ed writer Ross Douthat, argued that abandoning Trump now should be easier because someone competent is waiting in the wings. Pence was the head of the transition team. Best of luck making Pence your president, Republicans.

On his show last night, Sean Hannity insists that the people going after Trump are peddling conspiracy theories. It will be interesting to see just how disconnected from reality Fox News continues to be as the country descends into political chaos.

Extremely Unruly Goat Smashes Office Glass Door, Comes Back for Seconds. A goat that was extremely bored, ornery, or both decided to smash in the front door of polyurethane manufacturer Argonics Inc.’s Colorado office this weekend, and the mystery may have gone unsolved were it not for the company’s surveillance system. Argonics uploaded video to You. Tube of the goat’s July 1. Monday, writing its staff was initially confused to discover nothing was stolen.

But camera footage revealed the interloper to be none other than one real jerk of a goat who casually busted through one window, ran away, then decided—in what appeared to be a spirit of pure malevolence—that he didn’t like the way the other one looked, either. According to Denver broadcaster KUSA, said goat was accompanied by several accomplices, meaning there may be an entire flock out there, just ready to ruin some place of business’s day.

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