Ethiopian Building Code Standard Pdf

Ethiopian Building Code Standard Pdf

Ethiopia facts, information, pictures . A new anthem will be designated in the near future. MONETARY UNIT: The birr (b) is a paper currency of 1.

Ethiopian Building Code Standard Pdf

There are coins of 1, 5, 1. National holidays include Christmas, 7 January; Epiphany, 1.

January; Victory of Adwa (1. March; Victory Day, 6 April; May Day, 1 May; New Year's Day, 1. September; Feast of the Holy Cross, 2. September. Movable Muslim holidays include 'Id al- Fitr and 'Id al- 'Adha'. TIME: 3 pm = noon GMT.

Situated in eastern Africa, Ethiopia (formerly called Abyssinia) has an area of approximately 1,1. Comparatively, the area occupied by Ethiopia is slightly less than twice the size of the state of Texas. It is bounded on the n by Eritrea, on the ne by Djibouti, on the e and se by Somalia, on the s by Kenya, and on the w by Sudan, with a total boundary length of 5,3. The Ogaden region of eastern Ethiopia is claimed by Somalia and has been the subject of sporadic military conflict between the two nations since 1. Ethiopia's capital city, Addis Ababa, is located near the center of the country.

Ethiopian Building Code Standard Pdf

Ethiopia contains a variety of distinct topographical zones. It is a country of geographical contrasts, varying from as much as 1. Danakil depression to more than 4,6. Ras Dashen, with an altitude of 4,6.

It wraps the base exercise of power in the noble apparel of the letter of the law; it creates the pleasing.

The Sukhoi Su-27 (Russian:

Plays a central role in shaping and delivering a strong New Zealand economy. Develops and delivers policy, services, advice and regulation to support business growth. Kalkidan Yibeltal & Tesfalem Waldyes In Piassa, an area many consider to be the heart of Addis Abeba, rests the Ethiopian Federal Police Force Central Bureau of. A ten series building code standards is used currently in Ethiopia. A summary of some of them are documented here.

Africa. The most distinctive feature is the northern part of the Great Rift Valley, which runs through the entire length of the country in a northeast- southwest direction, at a general elevation of 1,5. Immediately to the west is the High Plateau region; this rugged tableland is marked by mountain ranges. East of the Great Rift Valley is the Somali Plateau—arid and rocky semidesert, extending to the Ogaden, which covers the entire southeastern section of the country. In the north, the Denakil Desert reaches to the Red Sea and the coastal foothills of Eritrea. The western boundary of Ethiopia follows roughly the western escarpment of the High Plateau, although in some regions the Sudan plains extend into Ethiopian territory.

Also part of Ethiopia is the Dahlak Archipelago in the Red Sea. Ethiopia's largest lake, Lake T'ana, is the source of the Blue Nile River. This river, which winds around in a great arc before merging with the White Nile in the Sudan, travels through great canyons, which reach depths of more than 1,2. Several rivers in the southwest also make up a system of tributaries to the White Nile.

Ethiopian climate varies according to the different topographical regions. The central plateau has a moderate climate with minimal seasonal temperature variation.

The mean minimum during the coldest season is 6. Temperature variations in the lowlands are much greater, and the heat in the desert and Red Sea coastal areas is extreme, with occasional highs of 6. Heavy rainfall occurs in most of the country during June, July, and August. The High Plateau also experiences a second, though much milder, rainy season between December and February. Average annual precipitation on the central plateau is roughly 1.

The northern provinces receive less rainfall, and the average annual precipitation in the Ogaden is less than 1. The westernmost region of Ethiopia receives an annual rainfall of nearly 2. Severe droughts affected the country in 1. Ethiopia has a large variety of indigenous plant and animal species. In some areas, the mountains are covered with shrubs such as pyracantha, jasmine, poinsettia, and a varied assortment of evergreens. Caraway, carcade, cardamom, chat, coriander, incense.

The lakes in the Great Rift Valley region abound with numerous species of birds, and wild animals are found in every region. Among the latter are the lion, civet and serval cats, elephant, bush pig, gazelle, antelope, ibex, kudu, dik- dik, oribi, reed buck, wild ass, zebra, hyena, baboon, and numerous species of monkey.

As of 2. 00. 2, there were at least 2. Overgrazing, deforestation, and poor agricultural practices have contributed to soil erosion so severe, particularly in the Tigray and Eritrea regions, that substantial areas of farmland have been lost to cultivation. As of 1. 99. 4, 6. The combined effects of severe drought and a 1. Ethiopia's environmental problems. Ethiopia's forests are endangered.

Each year, the nation loses 3. Its forests and woodland decreased by 3. From 1. 99. 0–2. 00.

In 2. 00. 0, only about 4. The government did not begin afforestation and soil conservation programs until the early 1. The nation's water supply is also at risk. Access to safe drinking water is available to 1. Ethiopia has 1. 10 cu km of renewable water resources with 8. Agencies responsible for environmental matters include the Ministry of Agriculture, the Forestry and Wildlife Development Authority, and the Ministry of National Water Resources.

In 2. 00. 3, about 1. Ethiopia's total land area was protected.

Simien National Park is a natural UNESCO World Heritage Site. According to a 2. International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN), the number of threatened species included 3. Endangered species in Ethiopia included the simian fox, African wild ass, Tora hartebeest, Swayne's hartebeest, Waliaibex (found only in Ethiopia), waldrapp, green sea turtle, and the hawksbill turtle.

The population of Ethiopia in 2. United Nations (UN) at 7. In 2. 00. 5, approximately 3% of the population was over 6.

There were 9. 9 males for every 1. According to the UN, the annual population rate of change for 2. The projected population for the year 2.

The population density was 7. High Plateau, with more than 7. The UN estimated that 1. The capital city, Addis Ababa, had a population of 2,7.

Other urban centers include Dir. The UN estimated that 6. HIV/AIDS in 2. 00.

The AIDS epidemic causes higher death and infant mortality rates, and lowers life expectancy. Life expectancy in Ethiopia was 4.

Internal migration is from rural to urban areas. In the 1. 97. 0s and early 1. In 1. 98. 4–8. 5, over 6. Meanwhile, over 2. Oromo, were moved to collective villages. As the war for control of Ethiopia intensified between 1.

After the change of government in 1. Ethiopian refugees returned home from neighboring countries. By November 1. 99. United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) had repatriated 3.

Ethiopian refugees from Djibouti. Between 1. 99. 3 and 1.

UNHCR repatriated 6. Sudan. In 1. 99. 7, UNHCR had started planning the airlift of around 4,4. Ethiopian refugees remaining in Kenya. As of 1. 99. 7, there were still 7. Ethiopian refugees in neighboring countries. There were 6. 0,0. Sudan, 5,7. 00 in Kenya, 2,5.

Djibouti, and 4. 50 in Yemen. As of March 1. 99. Ethiopia was home to more than 3. Of these, 2. 85,0.

Somalia, 3. 5,5. 00 from Sudan, 8,0. Djibouti, and 8,6. Kenya. In February 1. UNHCR started to repatriate Somalis; 2,6. Somalia by the end of March. Repatriation of Somalis and Sudanese continued in 2.

As of 2. 00. 4 the total of internally displaced people numbered 3. Gambella region. As of the end of 2. Ethiopia was home to more than 1. Ethiopians sought refuge elsewhere. Ethiopia had a total of 2,2. Ethiopians sought asylum in 1.

South Africa, Kenya, the United States, Eritrea, and Yemen. In 2. 00. 3 remittances to Ethiopia were $6. In 2. 00. 5, the net migration rate was estimated as zero migrants per 1,0. Ethiopia, a significant change from 3. Ethiopia is a composite of more than 7. The Oromo (Galla) group represents approximately 4.

The Amhara and Tigrean groups constitute approximately 3. The Sidamo of the southern foothills and savanna regions account for 9%, while the Shankella make up about 6% of the population and reside on the western frontier. The Somali (6%) and Afar (4%) inhabit the arid regions of the east and southeast.

Nilotic peoples live in the west and southwest along the Sudan border. The Gurage account for 2% of the population; the remaining 1% is made up of. The Falasha (who call themselves Beta Israel, and are popularly known as . Google Docs Viewer Api Q Parameter. Some 1. 4,0. 00 were secretly flown to Israel via the Sudan in 1. About 1. 4,0. 00 more were flown out of Addis Ababa in 1. Another 4,5. 00 are believed to remain.

Ethiopian Building Code Standard Pdf
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