How To Write A Rock Paper Scissors Program In Java

How To Write A Rock Paper Scissors Program In Java

How To Write A Rock Paper Scissors Program In Java

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He was removed in 1. A. H. Name the book in which name, activities and characters of the transmitter were given? Isma- ur- Rajjal. What is the main purpose of Isma- ur- Rajjal? For Authenticity of Hadith.

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Name the member of Ashaab- e- Sufah who had narrated maximum Ahadis? Hazrat Abu Hurrairah (R. A)4. Name the Sahabi who narrated maximum number of Ahadis? Hazrat Abu Hurrairah (R.

A)5. Hazrat Abu Hurrairah wrote 5. Ahadis. 6. The book of narration which Abdullah bin Umar wrote is name as Sahifah- e- Saadiqah. Who is the best interpreter of the Book of Allah? Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH)8. What is Hadith? Sayings of Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH)9. What is Sunnah? Actions of Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH). What is the literal meaning of Sunnah?

A mode of life, A manner of Acting, and A Rule of Conduct. From where the word “Hadis” is derived? What is the meaning of Tahdis? To inform. 13. Who used to write down every word of the Holy Prophet’s speech?

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Hazrat Abdullah bin Umar. How many methods are there for the compilation of Ahadis?

Imam Ahmed bin Hanbal was the founder of the. How many Ahadis does Musnad of imam Ahmed bin Hanbal contain? How many Ahadis does Al- Mauta contain? Who was the compiler of Al- Mauta? Imam Maalik bin Anas. Who was the founder of the Maaliki School of Law? Imam Maalik bin Anas.

Name the first authority for the compilation of Ahadis? Imam Maalik. 21. What an authentic Hadis is called? What is the meaning of Sahih?

Authentic. 23. How many Ahadis does the “Sahih Bukhari” contain? Which was the most authentic book on Hadis literature? Sahih Bukhari. 25. Which was the second book, after the Holy Qur’an for the Muslim World? Sahih Bukhari. 26.

How many Ahadis did Imam Muslim Ibn- e- Hajjaj compile? The collections by Bukhari and Muslim are known as. Two Sahihs. 28. The Author of Al- Jami is. The author of Ibn- e- Majah is. How many books are there in Al- Kutub- al- Sitta? What is the meaning of Al- Kutub- al- Sitta? Six Sahihs. 32. Hadis is the narration and record of the.

Which is the second source from which the teachings of Islam are drawn? How many parts of each Hadis are there? What is the meaning of Sanad? What is the meaning of Matan? Substance. 37. How many kinds of Sunnah are there?

Which city Became the first centre of Islamic tradition? Medina or Hijaz. 39. How many methods did the traditionalists apply for the authenticity of Hadis? What is meant by Sunnat?

Way (path)4. 1. What is the terminological meaning of Sunnat? The doings of Muhammad (PBUH)4. What is meant by Hadith- e- Taqarar? Muhammad (PBUH) saw some body doing something and remained silent.

What is meant by Hadith- e- Qauli? The sayings of Muhammad (PBUH)4. What is meant by Hadith- e- Faili? Hadith in which any doing of Muhammad (PBUH) has been explained.

How the orders of Quran will be explained? By Hadith- e- Rasool (PBUH)4. Name any Majmooa- e- Hadith of Ehd- e- Nabvi? Sahifah Sadqa. 47. Who wrote Sahifah Sadqa? Hazrat Abdullah- bin- Umro- bin- Al- Aas.

Were the Hadith composed after the death of Muhammad (PBUH)? Did the Sahaba used to write Hadith in the presence of Muhammad (PBUH)? Which Khalifa ordered in 9.

Hijri to collect Hadith? Hazrat Umar- bin- Abdul Aziz (R.

A)5. 1. What is meant by Sahih Sitta? Six Compact Books of Hadith. What is meant by Saheyheen? Sahih- al- Bukhari, Sahih Muslim.

Which are the two famous books of Hadith of 2nd century? Motta Imam Malak, Kitab Al- Assar. What is the name of writer of Kitab Al- Assar?

Imam- e- Azam Abu Hanifa Naman bin Sabat. What is the name of the writer of Sahih- al- Bukhari and his date of death also? Imam Abu /Abdullah Muhammad bin Ismail Bukhari, death 2. Hijri. 5. 6. What is the name of the writer of Sahih- al- Muslim and his date of death? Imam Muslim bin Hajjaj Neshapuri, death 2.

Hijri. 57. What is the name of the writer of Jamia Tarmazi and his date of death? Abu- Essa bin Muhammad Essa Tirmizi. What is the name of the writer of Al- Moota and his date of death? Imam Malak bin Unis, death 1. Hijri. 59. What is meant by Isma- ul- Rajjal? The secret of the describers of Hadith.

Name the Um- mul- Momineen who described maximum Hadith? Hazrat Aaysha Siddiqua.

When did the work of editing the Hadith start? During the Ehd- e- Nabvi.

Mashkaat Sharif belongs to which subject? Write the name of first collection of Hadith? Sahifah Sadiqa. 64. Write four basic pillars of Islamic Laws? Quran, Hadith, Ijma, Qiyas.

Which is the Mazahib Arbab? Hanfi, Shafie, Malaki, Hanbali. What is meant by Hadith Mutfiq Aly? This Hadith is explained in Bukhari and Muslim both.

Which is the first age of editing of the Hadith? Ehd- e- Nabvi. 68. Which is the second age of editing of Hadith? Sahaba Tabayeen’s Age. Which is the Third Age Of editing of Hadith?

Hijri to 4. 50 Hijri. Font Navigator 2006 Hacked Zombie. Islam: 7. 0. Literally the word “Islam” means Submission to Allah. Which religion is the favourite of Allah according to the Holy Quran? Which two Prophets prayed to Allah to become the “Ummati” of the last Prophet (PBUH) and whose prayer was granted? Hazrat Isa (A. S) and Hazrat Musa (A. S). Religion of Hazrat Adam (A. S) was Islam. 74.

Fundamentals of Islam are Five. What is the name of 1st Kalima? Kalima Tayyaba. 76. Kalima Shahadat is the Kalima number 2nd.

Kalima Tamjeed id the Kalima number 3rd. Kalima Tauheed is the Kalima number 4th. Kalima- e- Astaghfaar is the Kalima number 5th.

Kalima Rad- e- Kufr is the Kalima number 6th. Number of types of faith is. What is the meaning of the word Allah? Only being worth worship. Who is above any sort of limitations?

The word Tauheed stands for. The concept of Tauheed has been given by Hazrat Jibrael (A. S)8. 6. What is Tauheed? Oneness of Allah. Which word is opposite to Tauheed? The Holy Quran considers as an unpardonable sin?

The Zoroastrians believe in of God. All h Prophets emphasized on. Christians believe in. Name the types of Tauheed.

Tauheed- fi- Zat, Tauheed- fi- Saffat, Tauheed- fi- Afal. Name the religion which denies Allah as an unknowable entity?

Which is the first belief of Islam? The unity of Allah. Which is the second belief of Islam? Prophethood. 96. The Prophethood is belief in. Prophethood has been finished on the Prophet.

What is the meaning of Risalat? To send message. 99.

How Prophethood is attained? Bestowed by Allah. What is the meaning of Rasool? Messenger. 10. 1.

In which Surah of the Holy Quran the word “Khatimum- Nabiyyeen” is mentioned? Al- Ahzab. 10. 2. Who is known as Rehmat- ul- Aalameen? Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH)1. What is the meaning of Rehmat- ul- Lil- Aalameen? Mercy for all worlds. Which is the third belief of Islam?

Belief in the Angels. What is the meaning of Malaika? How many the most exalted angels are there?

Who is the greatest angel according to the teachings of Islam? Hazrat Jibrael (A.

S)1. 08. The angel is created out of? What is the meaning of Noor?

Divine light. 11. Who acts as Allah’s agent? By how many angels each human individual is attended permanently? In which category Iblees lies? Who is referred in the Quran as Rooh- ul- Ameen/Ar- Rooh/Rooh- al- Qudus? Hazrat Jibrael (A.

S)1. 14. Who is the in charge of rain? Hazrat Mekael (A. S)1. 15. Who is the in charge of provisions?

Hazrat Mekael (A. S)1. 16. Who is called as Malk- ul- Moot?

Hazrat Izraeel (A. S)1. 17. How many Holy Books are there? What is the most important subject of the Holy Books?

Human beings. 11. The Torat (the old testament) was revealed on. The Zaboor (Psalm) was revealed on. The Injeel or Bible (New Testament) was revealed on.

The Holy Quran was revealed on. Of the Holy Book, which is superior? Holy Quran. 12. 4. Of the Holy Books Allah takes responsibility for the everlasting preservation?

How To Write A Rock Paper Scissors Program In Java
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