Hunza Health Secrets For Long Life And Happiness Pdf Free

Hunza Health Secrets For Long Life And Happiness Pdf Free

FROM OUTER SPACE TO YOUFROM OUTER SPACE TO YOUHOWARD MENGER1. Small spaceships of the Metharia civilization (see pic. The Last of Atlantis.

The Atlantian stood in the blazoned night Within the disk so burnished bright, Poised to launch him into unknown space At speeds unknown in this earthly pace. This man was the best the race could find: Sound of body and sound of mind; The highest evolved of all their men To command this ship and the crew of ten. It was he who'd race at the speed of light, The first to see the galactic might Of star islands only known by few And not yet seen in earthly view. A thousands years they'd said he'd be Streaking through the galactic sea To a target 5.

In a state of time held in suspense. With a mighty surge the disk took flight Upward, upward into endless night, Lost soon in the starry heavens black As this man cast one long glance back. Years to decades to centuries became Man learned to hurt, to kill, and maim, Slipping backward from the heights attained As the light of love grew dim and waned. As the earth returned to a barbaric age A new life cycle turned its page. The earths' crust split and spewed up flame, And the boiling sea scaled Atlantis' shame.* * * * *Ten centuries passed and the ship returned To an earth now degenerate and burned, Not fit to sustain the life of few Who'd lived the Creator's love and knew. They hovered for months about our earth, Vainly seeking a new hope's birth, Saw naught but ego, hate and pain. Brailey. DEDICATEDTo all humanity on Planet Earth.

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MEET THE CREWTo all those who have been directly or indirectly. He has space to name only a few of them. Girvin, for the dust jacket painting. Roberts, for photographic. And, let us further assume that they. To continue their work and remain effective, they must of necessity.

Hunza Health Secrets For Long Life And Happiness Pdf Free

Retrouvez toutes les discothèque Marseille et se retrouver dans les plus grandes soirées en discothèque à Marseille. CELL INJURY AND DEATH Ed Friedlander, M.D., Pathologist scalpel. Ordinary e-mails are welcome.

However, they can, in the interest of humanity in. Perhaps. they send out scouts to make personal contacts for the specific reason of. Perhaps it is done as a.

The increased sightings of spacecraft give evidence to the. And what are these ? Perhaps all this can be explained by simple laws we have. Or perhaps they are merely pro. Brailey. Meet the Crew. Briefing, by Marla. Count- Down(*). Brailey.

ILLUSTRATIONS(1). Carr, spacecraft inventor(1. Roberts and . Morris Paley (1.

Van Tassel(2. 1). My function is to introduce to you Howard Menger. But first, let us. Astronomy treats of the earth only in relation to the. The first question. The answer: the universe is ageless.

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Some. orthodox religions teach that the earth is but a few thousand years old. Installrite Tutorial Excel. And there is no reason to suspect that the.

Hunza Health Secrets For Long Life And Happiness Pdf Free

What about the. extent of the universe? Man, with his finite terms, cannot truly express the. Infinite. But he can and must try. The great 2. 00- inch. Mt. Palomar, California, has photo. Now, as we know, a light year is a measure of.

It represents the distance which light traveling at. In miles, then, a light. So if you. took out a pad and multiplied that by a billion, you would come up with a round. And you should have a large pad, because. But this is, by no. This is largely untrue. On the contrary, he.

Earth, the marvelous workings of the universe. The astronomer, with his. He knows this law and order of the sky is not accidental, that it. Even more than we, the astronomer can realize that this. Our Source. Our own galaxy, of which our. Milky Way. The Milky Way Galaxy is.

We do not know. how long it is, or rather the circumference of its spiral. Our solar system. The extent of our solar system is.

Now our sun is but a very ordinary star in. Milky Way galaxy. Many stars are a hundred times larger and brighter than. A star, by the way, is defined as an illumined body giving off its own. The sun is the. source of light and life on the earth.

At this point we can well ask. Now all space is not a void. It is. filled with vibrations, rays, oscillations of many and energy.

There is no place in this vast universe. Intelligence and Energy are not.

So, space is not a void. It is filled. with vibrations, rays, oscillations of many kinds. There are electromagnetic. The radio. utilizes a band from five hundred thou. Television utilizes frequencies higher than that: from 4. Above that come the calorific, or heat rays. Even above that are the.

Then there are. actinic rays, which perform chemical changes in our plant and animal life upon. These also emanate from the sun. Above. these we find the X- rays, or roentgen rays; and far above those the radium or. And so we proceed into even another kind of infinity: scientists. But let us get back.

Our sun is 8. 64,0. That is fantastic isn't it? How many people do. But at that very moment. We on earth are not sensitive to. Now the earth. itself is a little less than 8,0. Between the earth and the sun are two planets.

The first. from the sun outward, is Mercury, one of the smallest planets. It is only 3,0. 00. Next comes. Venus, which is a little smaller than the earth. Then comes our earth. Now. we go away from the sun to the rest of the planets. Mars, the next one, is.

Now a big jump. through an area in space in which are spinning many thousands of asteroids and. Next is Saturn, 7. Now we take. another big jump to Uranus, 3. And finally we come to. Pluto at the outer limit of our solar system, 3,6. Now we have had a. It has all been in our minds.

We. have needed no tickets, required no airplane or rocket, just our attention. How. did we make this trip? Our mind, and especially the. Does it seem quite so impossible, then, for us to contact other planets. But more espe. Howard Menger. That these are truly our brothers, that they are.

They are not to be. Earth so ignominously treat our own Earth.

People from outer space live in peace, not under the shadow of. But you did not. come to hear me talk; you came to hear Mr. Howard Menger. Howard Menger is a.

I do want to stress this: Howard Menger makes no money from his. On the contrary, it has cost him both a great deal. The fabulous amount of time he has devoted, and his great. Some people I know.

But Howard's devotion to our space brothers has cost him more. But in spite of these. Howard does not expect nor want anything for himself. He. is making his sacrifice for his brothers in space and on this earth. If one is prone to. Howard Menger is a most sincere person.

He has graciously consented to hold this meeting. Steve Allen and other TV. Long John Show which is. WOR (7. 10 on your dial and on every morning from 1: 0.

In the maelstrom of. Howard. Menger. Knowing that we will have casual readers, along with those who. Howard Menger. also will pre. The first will contain the author's astounding story of his contacts. Not through intent, but by fortunate virtue. Howard Menger has an extraordinary command of narrative, you.

We have moved the. The hasty. reader may wish to finish Book One and put the volume on the shelf; but those. Milky Way, wish to gain deeper insight. Book Two even more rewarding. And now, as you. fasten your seat belts, our word of warning: this trip is dangerous. You will. travel into areas of great intellectual peril, especially if you have made up. Many of you will accept.

Howard Menger has presented only an allegory. For there are ideas here which will add a. You will enjoy the trip. We've talked. too long. It's too late to get out now! Fasten seat belts and get ready for. I was a year old Mother and Dad moved.

Grantwood where we lived for several years. The object of. my affection was a classmate, a fluffy, feminine, blonde, blue- eyed bit of. But my. parents were quite amused when I announced that I intended to marry my. The romance was short- lived and I brokenhearted when. High Bridge, N. J.

My brother, Alton, was four. I was eight. I could not. The newness and. excitement of the country slowly supplanted the hurt memories of the girl I.

We children. were delighted with our new home in the country. The fields were covered with. To the rear of the house were fruit trees. Mother worked hard to fix up the small, modest bungalow. Meanwhile my brother.

I enjoyed long treks into the woods and fields. We played explorers, and.

Hunza Health Secrets For Long Life And Happiness Pdf Free
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