Processing For Visual Artists Pdf To Word

Processing For Visual Artists Pdf To Word

Document Design: Word or In. Design? Not every tender document needs to look a million dollars. But a proposal worth that much might. Should you use In.

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Processing For Visual Artists Pdf To Word

Design definition, to prepare the preliminary sketch or the plans for (a work to be executed), especially to plan the form and structure of: to design a new bridge. Wordle is a toy for generating “word clouds” from text that you provide. The clouds give greater prominence to words that appear more frequently in the source. Preface P.1 What is this book? At ITP, I teach a course entitled Introduction to Computational Media. In this course, the students learn the basics of programming.

Design? Tenders come in all shapes and sizes. The simplest - such as government grant applications - are form- like 'fill in the blanks' and require minimal visual flair and flourishes. At the other end of the scale sit the multi- billion dollar bids: gilt- edged bond paper bound in embossed leather and delivered by armed security guards. Of course, the vast majority of tenders sit somewhere in the middle.

Free Bonus: Click Here to Download Our Free Ebook that shows you how to create visual content that journalists and bloggers will want to share. The PDF Reference was first published when Adobe Acrobat was introduced in 1993. Since then, updated versions of the PDF Reference have been made available from Adobe.

So when a major bid calls for a PDF or printed submission, is it worth turning to professional publishing to present your offer? The vital importance of using careful visual design to present a written proposal has been discussed in other articles. Clarity, legibility and professionalism are all at stake when your tender is pulled from its envelope. What are the relative merits of using In. Design? Microsoft Word: An Excellent Content Creation Tool. For most people in business, Microsoft Word needs little introduction. As ubiquitous as the office copier, Word is one of the most- used communication tools in technology history.

Processing For Visual Artists Pdf To Word

Installed in practically every corporate office, Word first launched in 1. DOS- based 'Word Processing' program. It has evolved since then into a sophisticated multi- media document creation suite. As result, Word has become the go- to application for the development and publishing of business documents, including tender responses.

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Word's Strengths for Content Development. Word has become a powerful business tool for good reason: Availability: Word has a large install- base and is a permanent fixture in most business organisations - large or small. If you're in business, you probably already have it on your computer. Learning Curve: Thanks to a relatively simple user interface, basic functionality is intuitive. Even the more powerful features are easily accessible to advanced users. Capabilities: Word is now much more than just a word processor, with sophisticated graphics, diagrams and effects now available.

Collaboration: The ability to add comments, track changes and share files with your tender response team makes Word an excellent tool for gathering and editing group- written content. It is little wonder, then, that many use Word to collectively compile the raw content of their tender responses. It allows for a swift and intuitive workflow of collaborative ideas which everyone in the company can access. However, using Word to turn your finished draft into a polished, professional publication is fraught with problems. Word's Limitations as a Design Tool. Word has grown up since the early days.

With specialist knowledge and design know- how, it can be used to produce impressive- looking documents. Under the hood, however, it remains a Word Processor with go- faster stripes, rather than a dedicated page layout tool. There are many reasons why the design and publishing industry doesn't use it to produce annual reports and company magazines, including: Stability: Largely robust when editing modest- sized text documents, Word begins to struggle as page count, graphics and file size grows. If you might think . Anyone who has had Word crash during the edit of a massive tender response will know the dreadful feeling of losing hours of precious life. Collaboration: Working on simple text documents as a team is generally hassle- free. However, as soon as styles, typefaces and formatting enter the picture, frustration tends to rule.

Each time an edit is made by a different person, pagination, formatting, fonts, styles and other essential cosmetics start descending into chaos, requiring frequent 'repairs' and double- handling. Layout Capabilities: Getting near professional- level results using Word is possible, but it's not easy.

Page layout, pagination, graphic handling and character / paragraph controls are complex, buried in menus and often limited. Bringing together a series of complex documents into a single volume is fraught with complexity, and the PDFs produced are often not . Launched in 1. 99. Adobe Pagemaker, it was engineered from inception for publishing houses already using creative products such as Photoshop and Illustrator.

Its principal users are Graphic Designers and Production Artists developing magazines, company brochures and annual reports, amongst others. The latest versions can also export to electronic formats such as PDF (interactive or otherwise) and e. PUB for tablets. Designed for the highly complex world of press- ready publishing, In.

Design is stable, powerful and designed for those working visually within very exact parameters. In short, it's not a 'Word Processor' it's a 'Page Processor'. And it has become the default choice for the publishing industry for good reason: Performance and Stability: In. Design uses low- resolution links to graphical elements rather than embedding them into the actual document. This approach results in small files, high performance and rock- solid stability.

As it has been designed for graphically rich, complex publications such as magazines, it handles multi- volume tender documents with aplomb. Page Layout and Typography: As it's primarily a visual tool, In. Design offers very precise control of the document grid, visual elements and character and paragraph styles using intuitive menus and tools. Options are freely available in a visually- geared interface, not locked away in hidden menus. The entire application is designed so that the user can produce visually appealing, highly legible documents.

Output: The application turns out press- ready PDFs which can have colour profiles applied for precise professional printing. Full- bleed (where elements print right to the edge of the page) and the very precise rendering of high resolution graphics are standard. Why You Might Choose Not to Use In. Design. Despite these clear benefits, using In. Design is a strategic choice, not just a software selection: The Learning Curve: If Word is a Swiss Army knife, In. Design is a craftsman's lathe. Anyone can grab a knife and use it to whittle a stick.

But only a specialist could turn out a beautifully crafted product that will sell. In. Design is a precision instrument designed to produce highly professional results. And that requires specialist knowledge. The Cost: You probably already own Word. But In. Design isn't cheap at around AUD$9.

Factor in specific training and the time required to master it and that figure grows. The Workflow 'Speed Hump': In. Design will enable you to turn finished content into exquisitely rendered pages. However, aside from simple typos and minor corrections this assumes that content is finished: on time. And that imposes discipline to your workflow. If your organisation is used to making large- scale, 1. Conclusion. The consultants at Tender Success simply cannot imagine a tendering world without using both of these invaluable tools.

For team- based collaboration, development of raw content and final editing and review, Word is hard to beat. It's available, easy- to- use and is an essential part of internal business communication. Our consultants use it right up to the point of publishing.

When it comes to external business communication, however, our consultants only use Word to publish if there is no other choice, for example if the RFT mandates it. Professional publishing - especially for larger bids - is strategic and is built right into the response workflow. And that means using In.

Design. Each tool for its own task. Word is the perfect content creation and collaboration tool; but push it beyond its Word Processor remit and you'll likely end up with headaches and a lacklustre end product. If you want your tender to exude the professionalism of an annual report, you'll need to use a professional publishing tool like In. Design. And if the learning curve and cost don't make financial sense, you can always consider outsourcing the job to a skilled specialist.

Processing For Visual Artists Pdf To Word
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